Some Cemetery Inscriptions
Randolph & Butler Townships, Montgomery County, Ohio
Union Township, Miami County, Ohio

The cemetery inscriptions on this page were taken from the publication titled The History of Englewood and Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio by Earl Leon Heck, 1960. These inscriptions in Appendix 3 of the publication were recorded by Earl L. Heck and Ohmer Jackson on the dates given below. In the introduction, Mr. Heck states about Burial Grounds:
"There appears to have been no burial ground in the corporate limits of Englewood. On the northern edge on River Road is the old Pfouts-Menges burial ground previously mentioned. Fairview Cemetery dates from prior to 1829, the earliest record of a burial there being 1829 for Jacob Hess for the above year. The earliest burial in the Concord Cemetery south of the dam is for George Heikes who died Dec. 26, 1837; that is the first one that I have record of."
This publication is available, on a reference basis only, in the Dayton Metro Library's Dayton History Room, 215 E. Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402. The call number is Dayton/977.172/H448H.

The information is presented here in the same order it was recorded in the book, and no attempt was made to change any information. Although these are referred to as "inscriptions" in the book, other information is included, for which no sources were cited.

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