Welcome to the MCC-OGS Website!

The Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society website is designed to allow our members to engage with each other as they trace their ancestors, find information to enter in their family trees (RootsMagic, Legacy Family Tree, FamilySearch.org, Ancestry etc.), and discover their family histories. We want to make this site a dynamic experience where members can share with and learn from one another. Here are just a few ways to engage on this site today: 

Not a Member - Join Now with Online Join!

We invite you to join the Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
To Join Online:
Use our convenient Online Join.  With Online Join, you can enter your membership information (name, address, email, etc.) on our secure website. When you finish entering your membership information, you have three options for paying:
Option 1:  Pay with a credit card.
Option 2:  Pay with a PayPal account.
Option 3:  Print out the invoice (Market Order) and mail the form along with a check.
Click ONLINE JOIN to join or go to ONLINE JOIN at the bottom of the Menu Bar to your left.

If you need any assistance, please watch our YouTube video that provides step-by-step instructions/demonstration of how to join as a NEW member.
To Join by Mail:
If you prefer, you may join by printing the Membership Application form, Fill out the form and mail it with your check to the Chapter's P.O. Box shown on the form. 

Membership Benefits

  • Educational monthly meetings, annual picnic, holiday party and fieldtrips. 
  • Subscription to the monthly Family Tree Newsletter including access to archived issues.
  • Access to the Society's Members Only Section of the Website.
  • Participation in the Surname Exchange List.
  • Inclusion on the Society's Membership Email List.
  • Discount on registration to the Society's Annual Seminar

Join Our Newsletter or Program Committee!

We are looking for members interested in assisting with the publication of our monthly newsletter. Some of the tasks you might volunteer to help with are proofreading each issue before it is published looking for spelling or grammar mistakes, helping to write articles, writing book reviews, looking on the internet to find upcoming events by other organizations which we can promote, or finding interesting local history information such as facts or images which can be included.
We are also looking for members interested in assisting with the program committee. This committee identifies potential speakers of interest to our group, and gets in touch with them to find out their available topics, fees charged, available dates, contact info, etc. They then coordinate with the information found by others on the committee to establish the calendar for the year of the speaker and the topic for each month. This committee also plans and organizes any field trips which are sponsored by the chapter. Contact us at info@mcc-ogs.org if you are interested!

Online Store Open for Business!

MCC-OGS Online Store Open for Business!


The Montgomery County Chapter OGS now has an Online Store where all our publications can be purchased with a credit card or PayPal account.  Additionally, a paper version of the Publications Order Form can be printed and mailed along with your personal check or money order.
Our publications document local cemeteries, marriages, pioneers, church records, and much more!  
Go to MCC-OGS Online Store and start shopping now!

In-Person & Virtual Meetings

The Montgomery County Chapter OGS is currently conducting our monthly meetings both in-person and virtually via Zoom.
Our in-person meetings are held at the Dayton Metro Library, 215 E. Third Street, downtown Dayton in Community Room 2-B.  Those attending the in-person meeting are invited to join us at 1:00 p.m. for a half-hour social time.
The business meeting begins promptly at 1:30 p.m., we will break briefly, and the guest speaker will present following the break.
As mentioned, we will continue to have our programs accessible via Zoom, and the Zoom link will be activated at 1:30 p.m.  An email will be sent to all members with the link for the Zoom meeting the day before the date of the meeting. Upcoming Programs are listed on the right side of this screen and all of our programs are listed on the Events Page
If you are not a member and would like to attend the meeting, you can attend in person at the library as a guest, or you can contact Publicity@MCC-OGS.org for the Zoom link.
We look forward to seeing everyone in person!

Upcoming Events
March 8
1:30 pm
Researching Germans from Poland: One Family's Experience by Karla Huebner
Our speaker, Karla Huebner, has done extensive research in records from Poland and Prussia.  Karla's presentation will use what her family has learned in order ...
March 29
8:30 am
2025 Family History Jamboree
  Registration for the 29th Annual Family History Jamboree IS NOW OPEN! www.fhj1.org Visit the Jamboree website for location & time, learn about classes offered, ...
April 12
1:30 pm
I have a Civil War Ancestor...Now What? by Brian Rhinehart
Civil War soldiers often left a rich genealogical paper trail.  Many of these records are tucked away at the National Archives in Washington D.C.  Our ...
April 30
Ohio Genealogical Society - Annual Conference
Early-bird Registration is now open!   The Ohio Genealogical Society presents “Light Up Your Genealogy” Kalahari Resort and Convention Center 7000 Kalahari Drive, Sandusky, OH ...

Current News
Join Our Newsletter or Program Committee!

We are looking for members interested in assisting with the publication of our monthly newsletter. Some of the tasks you might volunteer to help with are proofreading each issue before it is published looking for spelling or grammar mistakes, helping to write articles, writing book reviews, looking on the internet to find upcoming events by other organizations which we can promote, or finding interesting local history information such as facts or images which can be included. We are also looking for members interested in assisting with the program committee. This committee identifies potential speakers of interest to our group, and gets in touch with them to find out their available topics, fees charged, available dates, contact info, etc. They then coordinate with the information found by others on the committee to establish the calendar for the year of the speaker and the topic for each month. This committee also plans and organizes any field trips which are sponsored by the chapter. Contact us at info@mcc-ogs.org if you are interested!

Follow us on Facebook!
Follow the Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society to have the latest news, events and other happenings delivered right to your newsfeed. Click the image above to visit our Facebook page and click that big "Follow" button!