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Mr. and Mrs. Penn A. Morton - 50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Penn A. Morton - 50th Anniversary

Dayton Daily News - Sunday, August 4, 1946
Morton Family In Annual Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Penn A. Morton - 50th Anniversary


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Renewing the annual family reunion which had been interrupted by the war, 65 members of the Morton family, coming from five states, assembled at Lebanon last Sunday for the event, which also marked the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Penn A. Morton, 114 New st., Lebanon.

The family had its origin in Owenton, Ky., more than 125 years ago and four generations attended the event. Mrs. Jouis [sic] Jackson of Cleveland, surviving member of the family of 13 children of the original Mortons, Robert and Sarah, also attended.

Officers were elected for the new term and Attorney Herbert C. Morton, 118 Horace st., Dayton, was elected president and Mrs. Endora M. Tyler of Cincinnati, was named secretary. Meeting place for the 1947 reunion will be in Dayton.